Innovit USA Inc
Shelton, CT, USA
Front-end developer
Location: Shelton, Connecticut
If You are Interested, Drop me your resume to (or) You can reach me on
+1(267)627-5083 .
Description of Service
Consultant will provide analysis and hands-on development programming to fulfill project work and enhancement requests to a family of Sencha Ext JS (JavaScript)/PHP applications utilizing a SQL Server database back-end.
With a provided business specification or change request, consultant should be able to:
• Identify and analyze impacted code base(s) to understand existing code function • Determine appropriate fix(es) using knowledge gained from understanding current code function along with any requested enhancement(s) • Analyze impact(s) with respect to related (”downstream”) applications/systems/functions affected by the change(s) requested • Document all affected functions/screens/applications, and make appropriate technical and...